Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752

1 Machabees 7:32-37 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

32. And there fell of Nicanor's army almost five thousand men, and they fled into the city of David.

33. And after this Nicanor went up into mount Sion: and some of the priests and the people came out to salute him peaceably, and to shew him the holocausts that were offered for the king.

34. But he mocked them and despised them, and abused them: and he spoke proudly,

35. And swore in anger, saying: Unless Judas and his army be delivered into my hands, as soon as ever I return in peace, I will burn this house. And he went out in a great rage.

36. And the priests went in, and stood before the face of the altar and the temple: and weeping, they said:

37. Thou, O Lord, hast chosen this house for thy name to be called upon therein, that it might be a house of prayer and supplication for thy people.