Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752

1 Machabees 4:42-54 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

42. And he chose priests without blemish, whose will was set upon the law of God:

43. And they cleansed the holy places, and took away the stones that had been defiled into an unclean place.

44. And he considered about the altar of holocausts that had been profaned, what he should do with it.

45. And a good counsel came into their minds, to pull it down: lest it should be a reproach to them, because the Gentiles had defiled it; so they threw it down.

46. And they laid up the stones in the mountain of the temple in a convenient place, till there should come a prophet, and give answer concerning them.

47. Then they took whole stones according to the law, and built a new altar according to the former:

48. And they built up the holy places, and the things that were within the temple: and they sanctified the temple, and the courts.

49. And they made new holy vessels, and brought in the candlestick, and the altar of incense, and the table into the temple.

50. And they put incense upon the altar, and lighted up the lamps that were upon the candlestick, and they gave light in the temple.

51. And they set the loaves upon the table, and hung up the veils, and finished all the works that they had begun to make.

52. And they arose before the morning on the five and twentieth day of the ninth month (which is the month of Casleu) in the hundred and forty-eighth year.

53. And they offered sacrifice according to the law upon the new altar of holocausts which they had made.

54. According to the time, and according to the day wherein the heathens had defiled it, in the same was it dedicated anew with canticles, and harps, and lutes, and cymbals.