Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752

1 Esdras 2:48-59 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

48. The children of Basin, the children of Necoda, the children of Gazam,

49. The children of Asa, the children of Phasea, the children of Besee,

50. The children of Asena, the children of Munim, the children of Nephusim,

51. The children of Bacbuc, the children of Hacupha, the children of Harhur,

52. The children of Besluth, the children of Mahida, the children of Harsa,

53. The children of Bercos, the children of Sisara, the children of Thema,

54. The children of Nasia, the children of Hatipha,

55. The children of the servants of Solomon, the children of Sotai, the children of Sopheret, the children of Pharuda,

56. The children of Jala, the children of Dercon, the children of Geddel,

57. The children of Saphatia, the children of Hatil, the children of Phochereth, which were of Asebaim, the children of Ami,

58. All the Nathinites, and the children of the servants of Solomon, three hundred ninety-two.

59. And these are they that came up from Thelmela, Thelharsa, Cherub, and Adon, and Emer. And they could not shew the house of their fathers and their seed, whether they were of Israel.