Darby Translation 1890

Luke 24:18-24 Darby Translation 1890 (DARBY)

18. And one of them, named Cleopas, answering said to him, Thou sojournest alone in Jerusalem, and dost not know what has taken place in it in these days?

19. And he said to them, What things? And they said to him, The things concerning Jesus the Nazaraean, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people;

20. and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him up to the judgment of death and crucified him.

21. But we had hoped that he was the one who is about to redeem Israel. But then, besides all these things, it is now, to-day, the third day since these things took place.

22. And withal, certain women from amongst us astonished us, having been very early at the sepulchre,

23. and, not having found his body, came, saying that they also had seen a vision of angels, who say that he is living.

24. And some of those with us went to the sepulchre, and found it so, as the women also had said, but him they saw not.