Darby Translation 1890

Luke 22:14-27 Darby Translation 1890 (DARBY)

14. And when the hour was come, he placed himself at table, and the twelve apostles with him.

15. And he said to them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer.

16. For I say unto you, that I will not eat any more at all of it until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

17. And having received a cup, when he had given thanks he said, Take this and divide it among yourselves.

18. For I say unto you, that I will not drink at all of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God come.

19. And having taken a loaf, when he had given thanks, he broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

20. In like manner also the cup, after having supped, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

21. Moreover, behold, the hand of him that delivers me up is with me on the table;

22. and the Son of man indeed goes as it is determined, but woe unto that man by whom he is delivered up.

23. And they began to question together among themselves who then it could be of them who was about to do this.

24. And there was also a strife among them which of them should be held to be the greatest.

25. And he said to them, The kings of the nations rule over them, and they that exercise authority over them are called benefactors.

26. But ye shall not be thus; but let the greater among you be as the younger, and the leader as he that serves.

27. For which is greater, he that is at table or he that serves? Is not he that is at table? But I am in the midst of you as the one that serves.