Darby Translation 1890

Ezekiel 40:33-49 Darby Translation 1890 (DARBY)

33. and its chambers, and its posts, and its projections, according to these measures; and there were windows to it and to its projections round about: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth twenty-five cubits.

34. And its projections were toward the outer court; and there were palm-trees upon its posts on this side and on that side: and its ascent was by eight steps.

35. And he brought me to the north gate, and he measured it according to these measures:

36. its chambers, its posts, and its projections; and there were windows to it round about: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth twenty-five cubits.

37. And its posts were toward the outer court; and there were palm-trees upon its posts, on this side and on that side: and its ascent was by eight steps.

38. And there was a cell and its entry by the posts of the gates; there they rinsed the burnt-offering.

39. And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slay thereon the burnt-offering and the sin-offering and the trespass-offering.

40. And at the side without, at the ascent to the entry of the north gate, were two tables; and on the other side, which was at the porch of the gate, were two tables:

41. four tables on this side, and four tables on that side, by the side of the gate, --eight tables, whereon they slew the sacrifice,

42. --and at the ascent, four tables of hewn stone, of a cubit and a half long, and a cubit and a half broad, and one cubit high; whereon also they laid the instruments with which they slew the burnt-offering and the sacrifice.

43. And the double hooks of a hand breadth were fastened round about within; and upon the tables they put the flesh of the offering.

44. And outside the inner gate were two cells in the inner court, one at the side of the north gate, and its front towards the south; the other was at the side of the south gate, the front towards the north.

45. And he said unto me, This cell whose front is towards the south is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the house.

46. And the cell whose front is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar. These are the sons of Zadok, those who, from among the sons of Levi, approach unto Jehovah to minister unto him.

47. And he measured the court, the length a hundred cubits, and the breadth a hundred cubits, four square: and the altar was before the house.

48. And he brought me to the porch of the house; and he measured the post of the porch, five cubits on this side, and five cubits on that side; and the breadth of the gate, three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side.

49. The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits, even by the steps whereby they went up to it; and there were pillars by the posts, one on this side, and one on that side.