Darby Translation 1890

1 Kings 7:26-31 Darby Translation 1890 (DARBY)

26. And its thickness was a hand-breadth, and its brim was like the work of the brim of a cup, with lily-blossoms; it held two thousand baths.

27. And he made ten bases of brass: four cubits was the length of one base, and the breadth four cubits, and the height three cubits.

28. And the work of the bases was this: they had panels, and the panels were between the fillets.

29. And on the panels that were between the fillets were lions, oxen and cherubim; and over the fillets there was a base above; and beneath the lions and oxen were garlands of festoon-work.

30. And every base had four wheels of brass, and axles of brass; and on its four corners were shoulder-pieces: under the laver were shoulder-pieces molten, behind every garland.

31. And the mouth of it within the crown and above was a cubit; and its mouth was rounded, as the work of the base, a cubit and a half; and also upon its mouth was sculpture; but their panels were square, not round.