Darby Translation 1890

1 Corinthians 3:3-9 Darby Translation 1890 (DARBY)

3. for ye are yet carnal. For whereas there are among you emulation and strife, are ye not carnal, and walk according to man?

4. For when one says, I am of Paul, and another, I of Apollos, are ye not men?

5. Who then is Apollos, and who Paul? Ministering servants, through whom ye have believed, and as the Lord has given to each.

6. I have planted; Apollos watered; but God has given the increase.

7. So that neither the planter is anything, nor the waterer; but God the giver of the increase.

8. But the planter and the waterer are one; but each shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.

9. For we are God's fellow-workmen; ye are God's husbandry, God's building.