Darby Translation 1890

1 Corinthians 1:5-12 Darby Translation 1890 (DARBY)

5. that in everything ye have been enriched in him, in all word of doctrine, and all knowledge,

6. (according as the testimony of the Christ has been confirmed in you,)

7. so that ye come short in no gift, awaiting the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ;

8. who shall also confirm you to the end, unimpeachable in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

9. God is faithful, by whom ye have been called into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

10. Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all say the same thing, and that there be not among you divisions; but that ye be perfectly united in the same mind and in the same opinion.

11. For it has been shewn to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of the house of Chloe, that there are strifes among you.

12. But I speak of this, that each of you says, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ.