Contemporary English Version Anglicised

The Acts 5:16-28 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

16. A lot of people living in the towns near Jerusalem brought those who were sick or troubled by evil spirits, and they were all healed.

17. The high priest and all the other Sadducees who were with him became jealous.

18. They arrested the apostles and put them in the city jail.

19. But that night an angel from the Lord opened the doors of the jail and led the apostles out. The angel said,

20. “Go to the temple and tell the people everything about this new life.”

21. So they went into the temple before sunrise and started teaching.The high priest and his men called together their council, which included all Israel's leaders. Then they ordered the apostles to be brought to them from the jail.

22. The temple police who were sent to the jail did not find the apostles. They returned and said,

23. “We found the jail locked tight and the guards standing at the doors. But when we opened the doors and went in, we didn't find anyone there.”

24. The captain of the temple police and the chief priests listened to their report, but they did not know what to think about it.

25. Just then someone came in and said, “Now those men you put in jail are in the temple, teaching the people!”

26. The captain went with some of the temple police and brought the apostles back. But they did not use force. They were afraid that the people might start throwing stones at them.

27. When the apostles were brought before the council, the high priest said to them,

28. “We told you plainly not to teach in the name of Jesus. But look what you have done! You have been teaching all over Jerusalem, and you are trying to blame us for his death.”