Contemporary English Version Anglicised

The Acts 13:28-29-45 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

28-29. They did exactly what the Scriptures said they would. Even though they couldn't find any reason to put Jesus to death, they still asked Pilate to have him killed.After Jesus had been put to death, he was taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb.

30. But God raised him from death!

31. Then for many days Jesus appeared to his followers who had gone with him from Galilee to Jerusalem. Now they are telling our people about him.

32. God made a promise to our ancestors. And we are here to tell you the good news

33. that he has kept this promise to us. It is just as the second Psalm says about Jesus,“You are my son because todayI have become your Father.”

34. God raised Jesus from death and will never let his body decay. It is just as God said,“I will make to youthe same holy promisethat I made to David.”

35. And in another psalm it says, “God will never let the body of his Holy One decay.”

36. When David was alive, he obeyed God. Then after he died, he was buried in the family grave, and his body decayed.

37. But God raised Jesus from death, and his body did not decay.

38. My friends, the message is that Jesus can forgive your sins! The Law of Moses could not set you free from all your sins.

39. But everyone who has faith in Jesus is set free.

40. Make sure that what the prophets have said doesn't happen to you. They said,

41. “Look, you peoplewho make fun of God!Be amazedand disappear.I will do something todaythat you won't believe,even if someonetells you about it!”

42. As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the meeting, the people begged them to say more about these same things on the next Sabbath.

43. After the service, many Jews and a lot of Gentiles who worshipped God went with them. Paul and Barnabas begged them all to remain faithful to God, who had been so kind to them.

44. The next Sabbath almost everyone in town came to hear the message about the Lord.

45. When the Jewish people saw the crowds, they were very jealous. They insulted Paul and spoke against everything he said.