Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Song Of Songs 4:10-16 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

10. Your love is sweeter than wine;the smell of your perfumeis more fragrant than spices.

11. Your lips are a honeycomb;milk and honeyflow from your tongue.Your dress has the aromaof cedar trees from Lebanon.

12. My bride, my very own,you are a garden, a fountainclosed off to all others.

13. Your arms are vines,covered with delicious fruitsand all sorts of spices—henna, nard,

14. saffron,calamus, cinnamon,frankincense, myrrh, and aloes— all the finest spices.

15. You are a spring in the garden,a fountain of pure water,and a refreshing streamfrom Mount Lebanon.

16. Let the north wind blow,the south wind too!Let them spread the aromaof my garden,so the one I lovemay enter and tasteits delicious fruits.