Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Psalms 78:47-61 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

47. He destroyed their grapevinesand their fig treeswith hail and floods.

48. Then he killed their cattlewith hailand their other animalswith lightning.

49. God was so angry and furiousthat he went into a rageand caused them great troubleby sending swarmsof destroying angels.

50. God gave in to his angerand slaughtered themin a terrible way.

51. He killed the firstborn sonof each Egyptian family.

52. Then God led his peopleout of Egyptand guided them in the desertlike a flock of sheep.

53. He led them safely along,and they were not afraid,but their enemies drownedin the sea.

54. God brought his peopleto the sacred mountainthat he had takenby his own power.

55. He made nations runfrom the tribes of Israel,and he let the tribestake over their land.

56. But the people testedGod Most High,and they refusedto obey his laws.

57. They were as unfaithfulas their ancestors,and they were as crookedas a twisted arrow.

58. God demanded all their love,but they made him angryby worshipping idols.

59. So God became furiousand completely rejectedthe people of Israel.

60. Then he deserted his homeat Shiloh, where he livedhere on earth.

61. He let enemies capturethe sacred chestand let them dishonour him.