Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Psalms 118:17-29 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

17. And so my life is safe,and I will live to tellwhat the Lord has done.

18. He punished me terribly,but he did not let deathlay its hands on me.

19. Open the gates of justice!I will enter and tell the Lordhow thankful I am.

20. Here is the gate of the Lord!Everyone who does rightmay enter this gate.

21. I praise the Lordfor answering my prayersand saving me.

22. The stone that the builderstossed asidehas now becomethe most important stone.

23. The Lord has done this,and it is amazing to us.

24. This day belongs to the Lord!Let's celebrateand be glad today.

25. We'll ask the Lord to save us!We'll sincerely ask the Lordto let us win.

26. God bless the one who comesin the name of the Lord!We praise you from herein the house of the Lord.

27. The Lord is our God,and he has given us light!Start the celebration!March with palm branchesall the way to the altar.

28. The Lord is my God!I will praise him and tell himhow thankful I am.

29. Tell the Lordhow thankful you are,because he is kindand always merciful.