Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Psalms 118:13-20 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

13. Their attacks were so fiercethat I nearly fell,but the Lord helped me.

14. My power and my strengthcome from the Lord,and he has saved me.

15. From the tents of God's peoplecome shouts of victory:“The Lord is powerful!

16. With his mighty armthe Lord wins victories!The Lord is powerful!”

17. And so my life is safe,and I will live to tellwhat the Lord has done.

18. He punished me terribly,but he did not let deathlay its hands on me.

19. Open the gates of justice!I will enter and tell the Lordhow thankful I am.

20. Here is the gate of the Lord!Everyone who does rightmay enter this gate.