Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Psalms 107:19-29 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

19. You were in serious trouble,but you prayed to the Lord,and he rescued you.

20. By the power of his own word,he healed you and saved youfrom destruction.

21. You should praise the Lordfor his loveand for the wonderful thingshe does for all of us.

22. You should celebrateby offering sacrificesand singing joyful songsto tell what he has done.

23. Some of you made a livingby sailing the mighty sea,

24. and you saw the miraclesthe Lord performed there.

25. At his command a storm arose,and waves covered the sea.

26. You were tossed to the skyand to the ocean depths,until things looked so badthat you lost your courage.

27. You staggered like drunkardsand gave up all hope.

28. You were in serious trouble,but you prayed to the Lord,and he rescued you.

29. He made the storm stopand the sea be quiet.