Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Psalms 106:8-19 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

8. But you were true to your name,and you rescued them to provehow mighty you are.

9. You said to the Red Sea,“Dry up!”Then you led your people acrosson land as dry as a desert.

10. You saved all of them

11. and drowned every oneof their enemies.

12. Then your people trusted youand sang your praises.

13. But they soon forgotwhat you had doneand rejected your advice.

14. They became greedy for foodand tested you therein the desert.

15. So you gave themwhat they wanted,but later you destroyed themwith a horrible disease.

16. Everyone in camp was jealousof Moses and of Aaron,your chosen priest.

17. Dathan and Abiram rebelled,and the earth opened upand swallowed them.

18. Then fire broke outand destroyed allof their followers.

19. At Horeb your peoplemade and worshipped the statue