Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Psalms 102:4-13 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

4. I am wasting away like grass,and my appetite is gone.

5. My groaning never stops,and my bones can be seenthrough my skin.

6. I am like a lonely owlin the desert

7. or a restless sparrowalone on a roof.

8. My enemies insult me all day,and they use my namefor a curse word.

9. Instead of food,I have ashes to eatand tears to drink,

10. because you are furiousand have thrown me aside.

11. My life fades like a shadowat the end of dayand withers like grass.

12. Our Lord, you are King for everand will always be famous.

13. You will show pity to Zionbecause the time has come.