Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 6:22-34 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

22. Their teaching will guide youwhen you walk,protect you when you sleep,and talk to youwhen you are awake.

23. The Law of the Lord is a lamp,and its teachingsshine brightly.Correction and self-controlwill lead you through life.

24. They will protect youfrom the flattering wordsof someone else's wife.

25. Don't let yourself be attractedby the charm and lovely eyesof someone like that.

26. A woman who sells her lovecan be bought for as littleas the price of a meal.But making loveto another man's wifewill cost you everything.

27. If you carry burning coals,you burn your clothes;

28. if you step on hot coals,you burn your feet.

29. And if you go to bedwith another man's wife,you pay the price.

30. We don't put up with thieves,not even with one who stealsfor something to eat.

31. And thieves who get caughtmust pay backseven times what was stolenand lose everything.

32. But if you go to bedwith another man's wife,you will destroy yourselfby your own stupidity.

33. You will be beatenand for ever disgraced,

34. because a jealous husbandcan be furious and mercilesswhen he takes revenge.