Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 26:9-22 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

9. A thorn bush waved aroundin the hand of a drunkardis no worse than a proverbin the mouth of a fool.

10. It's no cleverer to shoot arrowsat every passer-bythan it is to hire a bunchof worthless nobodies.

11. Dogs return to eat their vomit,just as fools repeattheir foolishness.

12. There is more hope for a foolthan for someone who says,“I'm really clever!”

13. Don't be lazy and keep saying,“There's a lion outside!”

14. A door turns on its hinges,but a lazy personjust turns over in bed.

15. Some of us are so lazythat we won't lift a handto feed ourselves.

16. A lazy person says,“I am clevererthan everyone else.”

17. It's better to take holdof a mad dog by the earsthan to take partin someone else's argument.

18. It's no crazier to shootsharp and flaming arrows

19. than to cheat someone and say,“I was only fooling!”

20. Where there is no fuela fire goes out;where there is no gossiparguments come to an end.

21. Troublemakers start trouble,just as sparks and fuelstart a fire.

22. There is nothing so deliciousas the taste of gossip!It melts in your mouth.