Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 24:14-24 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

14. Wisdom is like honeyfor your life—if you find it,your future is bright.

15. Don't be a cruel personwho attacks good peopleand hurts their families.

16. Even if good peoplefall seven times,they will get back up.But when trouble strikesthe wicked,that's the end of them.

17. Don't be happyto see your enemies tripand fall down.

18. The Lord will find outand be unhappy.Then he will stopbeing angry with them.

19. Don't let evil peopleworry youor make you jealous.

20. They will soon be gonelike the flame of a lampthat burns out.

21. My children, you must respectthe Lord and the king,and you must not make friendswith anyone who rebelsagainst either of them.

22. Who knows what sudden disasterthe Lord or a rulermight bring?

23. Here are some more sayingsthat make good sense:When you judge,you must be fair.

24. If you let the guiltygo free,people of all nationswill hate and curse you.