Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 23:15-26 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

15. My children,if you show good sense,I will be happy,

16. and if you are truthful,I will really be glad.

17. Don't be jealous of sinners,but always honour the Lord.

18. Then you will truly have hopefor the future.

19. Listen to me, my children!Be wise and have enough senseto follow the right path.

20. Don't be a heavy drinkeror stuff yourself with food.

21. It will make you feel drowsy,and you will end up poorwith only rags to wear.

22. Pay attention to your father,and don't neglect your motherwhen she grows old.

23. Invest in truth and wisdom,discipline and good sense,and don't part with them.

24. Make your father truly happyby living right and showingsound judgment.

25. Make your parents proud,especially your mother.

26. My son, pay close attention,and gladly followmy example.