Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 22:8-17 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

8. Troublemakers get in trouble,and their terrible angerwill get them nowhere.

9. The Lord blesses everyonewho freely gives foodto the poor.

10. Arguments and fightswill come to an end,if you chase away thosewho insult others.

11. The king is the friend of allwho are sincereand speak with kindness.

12. The Lord watches over everyonewho shows good sense,but he frustrates the plansof deceitful liars.

13. Don't be so lazy that you say,“If I go to work,a lion will eat me!”

14. The words of a bad womanare like a deep pit;if you make the Lord angry,you will fall right in.

15. All children are foolish,but firm correctionwill make them change.

16. Cheat the poor to make profitor give gifts to the rich—either way you lose.

17. Here are some sayingsof people with wisdom,so listen carefullyas I teach.