Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 18:7-16 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

7. Saying foolish thingsis like setting a trapto destroy yourself.

8. There's nothing so deliciousas the taste of gossip!It melts in your mouth.

9. Being lazy is no differentfrom being a troublemaker.

10. The Lord is a mighty towerwhere his people can runfor safety—

11. the rich think their moneyis a wall of protection.

12. Pride leads to destruction;humility leads to honour.

13. It's stupid and embarrassingto give an answerbefore you listen.

14. Being cheerful helpswhen we are sick,but nothing helpswhen we give up.

15. Everyone with good sensewants to learn.

16. A gift will get you into see anyone.