Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 17:16-28 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

16. Why should fools have moneyfor an educationwhen they refuse to learn?

17. A friend is always a friend,and relatives are bornto share our troubles.

18. It's stupid to guaranteesomeone else's loan.

19. The wicked and the proudlove trouble and keep beggingto be hurt.

20. Dishonesty does you no good,and telling lieswill get you in trouble.

21. It's never pleasantto be the parent of a fooland have nothing but pain.

22. If you are cheerful,you feel good;if you are sad,you hurt all over.

23. Crooks accept secret bribesto keep justicefrom being done.

24. Anyone with wisdom knowswhat makes good sense,but fools can nevermake up their minds.

25. Foolish children bring sorrowto their fatherand pain to their mother.

26. It isn't fairto punish the innocentand those who do right.

27. It makes a lot of senseto be a person of few wordsand to stay calm.

28. Even fools seem cleverwhen they are quiet.