Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 16:24-33 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

24. Kind words are like honey—they cheer you upand make you feel strong.

25. Sometimes what seems rightis really a road to death.

26. The hungrier you are,the harder you work.

27. Worthless people plan trouble.Even their words burnlike a flaming fire.

28. Gossip is no good!It causes hard feelingsand comes between friends.

29. Don't trust violent people.They will mislead youto do the wrong thing.

30. When someone winksor grins behind your back,trouble is on the way.

31. Grey hair is a glorious crownworn by thosewho have lived right.

32. Controlling your temperis better than being a herowho captures a city.

33. We make our own decisions,but the Lord alonedetermines what happens.