Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 13:1-12 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. Children with good senseaccept correctionfrom their parents,but stubborn childrenignore it completely.

2. You will be well rewardedfor saying something kind,but all some people think aboutis how to be cruel and mean.

3. Keep what you know to yourself,and you will be safe;talk too much,and you are done for.

4. No matter how much you want,laziness won't help a bit,but hard work will reward youwith more than enough.

5. A good person hates deceit,but those who are evilcause shame and disgrace.

6. Live right, and you are safe!But sin will destroy you.

7. Some who have nothingmay pretend to be rich,and some who have everythingmay pretend to be poor.

8. The rich may haveto pay a ransom,but the poor don't havethat problem.

9. The lamp of a good personkeeps on shining;the lamp of an evil personsoon goes out.

10. Too much pride causes trouble.Be sensible and take advice.

11. Money wrongly gotwill disappear bit by bit;money earned little by littlewill grow and grow.

12. Not getting what you wantcan make you feel sick,but a wish that comes trueis a life-giving tree.