Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Proverbs 10:11-21 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

11. The words of good peopleare a source of life,but evil hides behindthe words of the wicked.

12. Hatred stirs up trouble;love overlooks the wrongsthat others do.

13. If you have good sense,it will show when you speak.But if you are stupid,you will be beatenwith a stick.

14. If you have good sense,you will learn all you can,but foolish talkwill soon destroy you.

15. Great wealth can be a fortress,but povertyis no protection at all.

16. If you live right,the reward is a good life;if you are evil,all you have is sin.

17. Accept correction,and you will find life;reject correction,and you will miss the road.

18. You can hide your hatredby telling lies,but you are a foolto spread lies.

19. You will say the wrong thingif you talk too much—so be sensible and watchwhat you say.

20. The words of a good personare like pure silver,but the thoughtsof an evil personare almost worthless.

21. Many are helpedby useful instruction,but fools are killedby their own stupidity.