Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Philippians 1:16-23 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

16. They love Christ and know that I am here to defend the good news about him.

17. But the ones who are jealous of us are not sincere. They just want to cause trouble for me while I am in jail.

18. But that doesn't matter. All that matters is that people are telling about Christ, whether they are sincere or not. That is what makes me glad.I will keep on being glad,

19. because I know that your prayers and the help that comes from the Spirit of Christ Jesus will keep me safe.

20. I honestly expect and hope that I will never do anything to be ashamed of. Whether I live or die, I always want to be as brave as I am now and bring honour to Christ.

21. If I live, it will be for Christ, and if I die, I will gain even more.

22. I don't know what to choose. I could keep on living and doing something useful.

23. It is a hard choice to make. I want to die and be with Christ, because that would be much better.