Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Numbers 7:2-9 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

2. Then the twelve tribal leaders of Israel, the same men who had been in charge of counting the people, came to the tent

3. with gifts for the Lord. They brought six strong carts and twelve oxen—one ox from each leader and a cart from every two.

4. The Lord said to Moses,

5. “Accept these gifts, so the Levites can use them here at the sacred tent for carrying the sacred things.”

6. Then Moses took the carts and oxen and gave them to the Levites,

7-8. who were under the leadership of Ithamar son of Aaron. Moses gave two carts and four oxen to the Gershonites for their work, and four carts and eight oxen to the Merarites for their work.

9. But Moses did not give any to the Kohathites, because they were in charge of the sacred objects that had to be carried on their shoulders.