Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Numbers 6:1-13 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. The Lord told Moses

2. to say to the people of Israel:If any of you want to dedicate yourself to me by vowing to become a Nazirite,

3. you must no longer drink any wine or beer or use any kind of vinegar. Don't drink grape juice or eat grapes or raisins—

4. not even the seeds or skins.

5. Even the hair of a Nazirite is sacred to me, and as long as you are a Nazirite, you must never cut your hair.

6. During the time that you are a Nazirite, you must never go close to a dead body,

7-8. not even that of your father, mother, brother, or sister. That would make you unclean. Your hair is the sign that you are dedicated to me, so remain holy.

9. If someone suddenly dies near you, your hair is no longer sacred, and you must shave it seven days later during the ceremony to make you clean.

10. Then on the next day, bring two doves or two pigeons to the priest at the sacred tent.

11. He will offer one of the birds as a sacrifice for sin and the other as a sacrifice to please me. You will then be forgiven for being too near a dead body, and your hair will again become sacred.

12. But the dead body made you unacceptable, so you must make another vow to become a Nazirite and be dedicated once more. Finally, a year-old ram must be offered as the sacrifice to make things right.

13. When you have completed your promised time of being a Nazirite, go to the sacred tent