Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Numbers 27:1-8 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. Zelophehad was from the Manasseh tribe, and he had five daughters, whose names were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.

2. One day his daughters went to the sacred tent, where they met with Moses, Eleazar, and some other leaders of Israel, as well as a large crowd of Israelites. The young women said:

3. You know that our father died in the desert. But it was for something he did wrong, not for joining with Korah in rebelling against the Lord.Our father left no sons

4. to carry on his family name. But why should his name die out for that reason? Give us some land like the rest of his relatives in our clan, so our father's name can live on.

5. Moses asked the Lord what should be done,

6. and the Lord answered:

7. Zelophehad's daughters are right. They should each be given part of the land their father would have received.

8. Tell the Israelites that when a man dies without a son, his daughter will inherit his land.