Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Numbers 14:32-44 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

32. You will die here in the desert!

33. Your children will wander around in this desert forty years, suffering because of your sins, until all of you are dead.

34. I will cruelly punish you every day for the next forty years—one year for each day that the land was explored.

35. You sinful people who ganged up against me will die here in the desert.

36. Ten of the men sent to explore the land had brought back bad news and had made the people complain against the Lord.

37. So he sent a deadly disease that killed those men,

38. but he let Joshua and Caleb live.

39. The people of Israel were very sad after Moses gave them the Lord's message.

40. So they got up early the next morning and got ready to head towards the hill country of Canaan. They said, “We were wrong to complain about the Lord. Let's go into the land that he promised us.”

41. But Moses replied, “You're disobeying the Lord! Your plan won't work,

42-43. so don't even try it. The Lord refuses to help you, because you turned your backs on him. The Amalekites and the Canaanites are your enemies, and they will attack and defeat you.”

44. But the Israelites ignored Moses and marched towards the hill country, even though the sacred chest and Moses did not go with them.