Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Numbers 10:1-8 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. The Lord told Moses:

2. Have two trumpets made out of hammered silver. These will be used to call the people together and to give the signal for moving your camp.

3. If both trumpets are blown, everyone is to meet with you at the entrance to the sacred tent.

4. But if just one is blown, only the twelve tribal leaders need to come together.

5-6. Give a signal on a trumpet when it is time to break camp. The first blast will be the signal for the tribes camped on the east side, and the second blast will be the signal for those on the south.

7. But when you want everyone to come together, sound a different signal on the trumpet.

8. The priests of Aaron's family will be the ones to blow the trumpets, and this law will never change.