Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Luke 22:28-34 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

28. You have stayed with me in all my troubles.

29. So I will give you the right to rule as kings, just as my Father has given me the right to rule as a king.

30. You will eat and drink with me in my kingdom, and you will each sit on a throne to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.

31. Jesus said, “Simon, listen to me! Satan has demanded the right to test each one of you, as a farmer does when he separates wheat from the husks.

32. But Simon, I have prayed that your faith will be strong. And when you have come back to me, help the others.”

33. Peter said, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to jail and even to die with you.”

34. Jesus replied, “Peter, I tell you that before a cock crows tomorrow morning, you will say three times that you don't know me.”