Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Luke 17:25-37 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

25. But first he must suffer terribly and be rejected by the people of today.

26. When the Son of Man comes, things will be just as they were when Noah lived.

27. People were eating, drinking, and getting married right up to the day when Noah went into the big boat. Then the flood came and drowned everyone on earth.

28. When Lot lived, people were also eating and drinking. They were buying, selling, planting, and building.

29. But on the very day Lot left Sodom, fiery flames poured down from the sky and killed everyone.

30. The same will happen on the day when the Son of Man appears.

31. At that time no one on a rooftop should go down into the house to get anything. No one in a field should go back to the house for anything.

32. Remember what happened to Lot's wife.

33. People who try to save their lives will lose them, and those who lose their lives will save them.

34. On that night two people will be sleeping in the same bed, but only one will be taken. The other will be left.

35-36. Two women will be together grinding wheat, but only one will be taken. The other will be left.

37. Then Jesus' disciples spoke up, “But where will this happen, Lord?”Jesus said, “Where there is a corpse, there will always be vultures.”