Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Job 34:13-31 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

13. From the very beginning,God has been in controlof all the world.

14. If God took back the breaththat he breathed into us,

15. we humans would dieand return to the soil.

16. So be wise and listen!

17. The mighty God is the onewho brings about justice,and you are condemning him.

18. Indeed, God is the onewho condemns unfair rulers.

19. And God created us all;he has no favourites,whether rich or poor.

20. Even powerful rulers diein the darkness of nightwhen they least expect it,just like the rest of us.

21. God watches everything we do.

22. No evil person can hidein the deepest darkness.

23. And so, God doesn't needto set a time for judgment.

24. Without asking for advice,God removes mighty leadersand puts others in their place.

25. He knows what they are like,and he wipes them outin the middle of the night.

26. And while others look on,he punishes thembecause they were evil

27. and refused to obey him.

28. The persons they ill-treatedhad prayed for help,until God answeredtheir prayers.

29. When God does nothing,can any person or nationfind fault with him?

30. But still, he punishes rulerswho abuse their people.

31. Job, you should tell Godthat you are guiltyand promise to do better.