Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Isaiah 59:1-13 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. The Lord hasn't losthis powerful strength;he can still hearand answer prayers.

2. Your sins are the roadblockbetween you and your God.That's why he doesn't answeryour prayersor let you see his face.

3. Your talk is filled with liesand plans for violence;every finger on your handsis covered with blood.

4. You falsely accuse othersand tell lies in court;sin and trouble are the namesof your children.

5. You eat the deadly eggsof poisonous snakes,and more snakes crawl outfrom the eggs left to hatch.You weave spider's webs,

6. but you can't make clotheswith those websor hide behind them.You're sinful and brutal.

7. You hurry off to do wrongor murder innocent victims.All you think about is sin;you leave ruin and destructionwherever you go.

8. You don't know howto live in peaceor to be fair with others.The roads you make are crooked;your followers cannot find peace.

9. No one has come to defend usor to bring about justice.We hoped for a day of sunshine,but all we foundwas a dark, gloomy night.

10. We feel our way along,as if we were blind;we stumble at midday,as if it were night.We can see no betterthan someone dead.

11. We growl like bearsand mourn like doves.We hope for justice and victory,but they escape us.

12. How often have we sinnedand turned against you,the Lord God?Our sins condemn us!We have done wrong.

13. We have rebelled and refusedto follow you.Our hearts were deceitful,and so we lied;we planned to abuse othersand turn our backs on you.