Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Isaiah 28:1-17 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. The city of Samariaabove a fertile valleyis in for trouble!Its leaders are drunkards,who stuff themselveswith food and wine.But they will be like flowersthat dry up and wilt.

2. Only the Lord is strongand powerful!His mighty handwill strike them downwith the force of a hailstormor a mighty whirlwindor an overwhelming flood.

3. Every drunkard in Ephraimtakes pride in Samaria,but it will be crushed.

4. Samaria above a fertile valleywill quickly lose its glory.It will be gobbled uplike the first ripe figat harvest season.

5. When this time comes,the Lord All-Powerfulwill be a glorious crownfor his people who survive.

6. He will see that justice rulesand that his people are ableto defend their cities.

7. Priests and prophets stumblebecause they are drunk.Their minds are too confusedto receive God's messagesor give honest decisions.

8. Their tables are covered,completely covered,with their stinking vomit.

9. You drunken leadersare like babies!How can you possibly understandor teach the Lord's message?

10. You don't even listen—all you hear is senseless soundafter senseless sound.

11. So, the Lord will speakto his peoplein strange soundsand foreign languages.

12. He promised youperfect peace and rest,but you refused to listen.

13. Now his message to youwill be senseless soundafter senseless sound.Then you will fall backwards,injured and trapped.

14. You rulers of Jerusalemdo nothing but sneer;now you must listento what the Lord says.

15. Do you think you havean agreement with deathand the world of the dead?Why do you trust in your liesto keep you safe from dangerand the mighty flood?

16. And so the Lord says,“I'm laying a firm foundationfor the city of Zion.It's a valuable cornerstoneproved to be trustworthy;no one who trusts itwill ever be disappointed.

17. Justice and fairnesswill be the measuring linesthat help me build.”Hailstones and floodswill destroy and wash awayyour shelter of lies.