Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Isaiah 22:5-18 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

5. The Lord All-Powerfulhad chosen a timefor noisy shouts and confusionto fill Vision Valley,and for everyone to begthe mountains for help.

6. The people of Elam and Kirattacked with chariotsand carried shields.

7. Your most beautiful valleyswere covered with chariots;your cities were surroundedby cavalry troops.

8. Judah was left defenceless.At that time you trusted in the weapons you had stored in Forest Palace.

9. You saw the holes in the outer wall of Jerusalem, and you brought water from the lower pool.

10. You counted the houses in Jerusalem and tore down some of them, so you could get stones to repair the city wall.

11. Then you built a large tank between the walls to store the water. But you refused to trust the God who planned this long ago and made it happen.

12. When all this happened,the Lord All-Powerful told youto weep and mourn,to shave your heads,and wear sackcloth.

13. But instead, you celebratedby feasting on beef and lamband by drinking wine,because you said,“Let's eat and drink!Tomorrow we may die.”

14. The Lord All-Powerfulhas spoken to methis solemn promise:“I won't forgive them for this,not as long as they live.”

15. The Lord All-Powerful is sending you with this message for Shebna, the prime minister:

16. Shebna, what gives you the right to have a tomb carved out of rock in this burial place of royalty? None of your relatives are buried here.

17. You may be powerful, but the Lord is about to snatch you up and throw you away.

18. He will roll you into a ball and throw you into a wide open country, where you will die and your chariots will be destroyed. You're a disgrace to those you serve.