Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Isaiah 19:1-10 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. This is a message about Egypt:The Lord comes to Egypt,riding swiftly on a cloud.The people are weak from fear.Their idols trembleas he approaches and says,

2. “I will punish Egyptwith civil war—neighbours, cities, and kingdomswill fight each other.

3. “Egypt will be discouragedwhen I confuse their plans.They will try to get advicefrom their idols,from the spirits of the dead,and from fortune-tellers.

4. I will put the Egyptiansunder the power of a cruel,heartless king.I, the Lord All-Powerful,have promised this.”

5. The River Nile will dry upand become parched land.

6. Its streams will stink,Egypt will have no water,and the reeds and tall grasswill dry up.

7. Fields along the Nilewill be completely barren;every plant will disappear.

8. Those who fish in the Nilewill be discouragedand mourn.

9. None of the cloth makerswill know what to do,and they will turn pale.

10. Weavers will be confused;paid workers will cry and mourn.