Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Exodus 24:2-9 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

2. but you are to come near. Don't let anyone else come up.”

3. Moses gave the Lord's instructions to the people, and they promised, “We will do everything the Lord has commanded!”

4. Then Moses wrote down what the Lord had said.The next morning Moses got up early. He built an altar at the foot of the mountain and set up a large stone for each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

5. He also sent some young men to burn offerings and to sacrifice bulls as special offerings to the Lord.

6. Moses put half of the blood from the animals into bowls and sprinkled the rest on the altar.

7. Then he read aloud the Lord's commands and promises, and the people shouted, “We will obey the Lord and do everything he has commanded!”

8. Moses took the blood from the bowls and sprinkled it on the people. Next, he told them, “With this blood the Lord makes his agreement with you.”

9. Moses and Aaron, together with Nadab and Abihu and the seventy leaders, went up the mountain