Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Exodus 15:3-18 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

3. The Lord is his name,and he is a warrior!

4. He threw the chariots and armyof Egypt's kinginto the Red Sea,and he drowned the bestof the king's officers.

5. They sank to the bottomjust like stones.

6. With the tremendous forceof your right arm, our Lord,you crushed your enemies.

7. What a great victory was yours,as you defeated everyonewho opposed you.Your fiery anger wiped them out,as though they were straw.

8. You were so furiousthat the sea piled uplike a wall,and the ocean depthscurdled like cheese.

9. Your enemies boastedthat they wouldpursue and capture us,divide up our possessions,treat us as they wished,then take out their swordsand kill us there.

10. But when you got furious,they sank like lead,swallowed by ocean waves.

11. Our Lord, no other godscompare with you—Majestic and holy!Fearsome and glorious!Miracle worker!

12. When you signalledwith your right hand,your enemies were swalloweddeep into the earth.

13. The people you rescuedwere led by your powerful loveto your holy place.

14. Nations learnt of thisand trembled—Philistines shook with horror.

15. The leaders of Edom and of Moabwere terrified.Everyone in Canaan fainted,

16. struck down by fear.Our Lord, your powerful armkept them still as a rockuntil the people you rescuedfor your very ownhad marched by.

17. You will let your people settleon your chosen mountain,where you built your homeand your temple.

18. Our Lord, you will rule for ever!