Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Ephesians 6:13-20 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

13. So put on all the armour that God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm.

14. Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God's justice protect you like armour.

15. Your desire to tell the good news about peace should be like shoes on your feet.

16. Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

17. Let God's saving power be like a helmet, and for a sword use God's message that comes from the Spirit.

18. Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God's people.

19. Pray that I will be given the message to speak and that I may fearlessly explain the mystery about the good news.

20. I was sent to do this work, and that's the reason I am in jail. So pray that I will be brave and will speak as I should.