Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Ecclesiastes 6:1-8 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. There is something else terribly unfair, and it troubles everyone on earth.

2. God may give you everything you want—money, property, and wealth. Then God doesn't let you enjoy it, and someone you don't even know gets it all. That's senseless and terribly unfair!

3. You may live a long time and have a hundred children. But a child born dead is better off than you, unless you enjoy life and have a decent burial.

4-5. That child will never live to see the sun or to have a name, and it will go straight to the world of darkness. But it will still find more rest than you,

6. even if you live two thousand years and don't enjoy life. As you know, we all end up in the same place.

7. We struggle just to have enough to eat, but we are never satisfied.

8. We may be sensible, yet we are no better off than a fool. And if we are poor, it still doesn't do us any good to try to live right.