Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Ecclesiastes 10:12-20 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

12. If you talk sensibly,you will have friends;if you talk foolishly,you will destroy yourself.

13. Fools begin with nonsense,and their stupid chatterends with disaster.

14. They never tire of talking,but none of us really knowwhat the future will bring.

15. Fools wear themselves out—they don't know enoughto find their way home.

16. A country is in for troublewhen its ruler is childish,and its leadersfeast all day long.

17. But a nation will prosperwhen its ruler is mature,and its leadersdon't feast too much.

18. Some people are too lazyto fix a leaky roof—then the house falls in.

19. Eating and drinkingmake you feel happy,and bribes can buyeverything you need.

20. Don't even thinkabout cursing the king;don't curse the rich,not even in secret.A little bird might hearand tell everything.