Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Deuteronomy 17:15-20 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

15. Go ahead and appoint a king, but make sure that he is an Israelite and that he is the one the Lord has chosen.

16. The king should not have many horses, especially those from Egypt. The Lord has said his people are never to go back there again.

17. And the king must not have a lot of wives—they might tempt him to be unfaithful to the Lord. Finally, the king must not try to get huge amounts of silver and gold.

18. The official copy of God's laws will be kept by the priests of the Levi tribe. So, as soon as anyone becomes king, he must go to the priests and write out a copy of these laws while they watch.

19. Each day the king must read and obey these laws, so that he will learn to worship the Lord with fear and trembling

20. and not think that he's better than everyone else.If the king completely obeys the Lord's commands, he and his descendants will rule Israel for many years.