Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Deuteronomy 10:17-22 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

17. The Lord your God is more powerful than all other gods and lords, and his tremendous power is to be feared. His decisions are always fair, and you cannot bribe him to change his mind.

18. The Lord defends the rights of orphans and widows. He cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing.

19. And you should also care for them, because you were foreigners in Egypt.

20. Respect the Lord your God, serve only him, and make promises in his name alone.

21. Offer your praises to him, because you have seen him work such terrifying miracles for you.

22. When your ancestors went to live in Egypt, there were only seventy of them. But the Lord has blessed you, and now there are more of you than there are stars in the sky.