Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Daniel 8:16-27 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

16. And from beside the River Ulai, a voice like that of a human said, “Gabriel, help him understand the vision.”

17. Gabriel came over, and I fell to the ground in fear. Then he said, “You are merely a human, but you need to understand that this vision is about the end of time.”

18. While he was speaking, I fell face down in a deep sleep. But he lifted me to my feet

19. and said:Listen, and I will tell you what will happen at the end of time, when God has chosen to show his anger.

20. The two horns of the ram are the kings of Media and Persia,

21. the goat is the kingdom of Greece, and the powerful horn between his eyes is the first of its kings.

22. After this horn is broken, four other kingdoms will appear, but they won't be as strong.

23. When these rulers have become as evil as possible, their power will end, and then a king who is dangerous and cannot be trusted will appear.

24. He will gain strength, but not on his own, and he will cause terrible destruction. He will wipe out powerful leaders and God's people as well.

25. His deceitful lies will make him so successful, that he will think he is really great. Suddenly he will kill many people, and he will even attack God, the Supreme Ruler. But God will crush him!

26. This vision about the evenings and mornings is true, but these things won't happen for a long time, so don't tell it to others.

27. After this, I was so worn out and weak that it was several days before I could get out of bed and go about my duties for the king. I was disturbed by this vision that made no sense to me.