Contemporary English Version Anglicised

Daniel 4:12-16 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

12. It was covered with leavesand heavy with fruit—enough for all nations.Wild animals enjoyed its shade,birds nested in its branches,and all creatures on earthlived on its fruit.

13. “While I was in bed, having this vision, a holy angel came down from heaven

14. and shouted:‘Chop down the treeand cut off its branches;strip off its leavesand scatter its fruit.Make the animals leave its shadeand send the birds flyingfrom its branches.

15. But leave its stump and rootsin the ground,surrounded by grassand held by chainsof iron and bronze.‘Make sure that this rulerlives like the animalsout in the open fields,unprotected from the dew.

16. Give him the mindof a wild animalfor seven long years.